Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

easy wood projects - on a more serious note…

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

So let’s be serious a moment, I am not the pillar of Health, but by the same token I am not a total train wreck either, I have very high cholesterol (the bad kind) and am what the Doc called pre diabetic …… meaning get your shit together or you’re gonna die pal.

So what have I been doing about this to help myself? well for the last month and a half I have been cutting the extra fat off the meats I eat , been eating rabbit food (salads) and doubled my intake of fresh vegetables, I also started eating more rice based foods and…… brace yourselves……I tried my neighbor’s Tofu and actually liked it!! (no worries I won’t be adding it to my regular diet), now I’ve had tofu before and quite frankly I’d rather eat shit than tofu, the texture alone makes me gag.

But my neighbor is a die hard vegetarian (her husband is not), I couldn’t begin to tell you how she prepared that tofu, or even how she cooked it….. but I do have to tell you that shit tasted great!

I’ve also been exercising my ass off, I am stuck at 225 pounds , the Risperidone (anti psycho drug) is preventing me from losing more weight, so I talked to my Shrink today about getting off the damn drug since I don’t think it’s actually doing anything (maybe it is and I’m just too loco to know it) << naw it ain’t doin shit! I was at 5mg’s last year, then 6 months ago she dropped it to 1mg and I’m doing just fine, so today she dropped it to .5mg’s , and if I do well on that for the next 6 months, she will take me off the Risperidone altogether, so that’s good news for me at least.

I also had to see my family Doc today and he put me on Crestor 10mgs (anti Cholesterol), he also has me taking Metamucil ,drinking Minute Made Heart Healthy Orange Juice, and instead of using my home made butter he has me using Becel pro activ margarine…ugh!!

so that’s that my diet is changing and I am on a mission to drop my cholesterol and lower my blood sugars so I don’t become diabetic , because honestly…..hell will freeze over before I jab myself with needles a couple times per day, I’d need one of those insulin pumps because I don’t do friggin needles! I can be tough and get my blood test and stuff…but no way could I handle multiple needles every day.

No needles won’t send me crying and screaming like a little bitch, I simply don’t like them!…but Spiders will!! (another story or two for another time)

Anyway it has been a long assed day, I was trapped in the city from 11 am until 5 pm , I swear I am gonna write a rant post one of these days about city drivers! anyway I’m gonna leave off here tonight, so y’all have a grand evening .

Remember folks: express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others.


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