easy wood projects
So this morning I took my Wife into the city , to the Hospital to be exact, for her 8th round of Chemo, I think this is it, as in I think she is done with Chemo after this, however the last time I said that the Doc switched his mind and told her she would receive another couple rounds .. we shall see. So now it is just me and the kidlet for the next 72 hours , being as he is in school and its raining buckets here, I am left stuck in the house being mauled by 4 evil kittens while their Mom looks on contentedly.
So my sister Bon Bon (just a nick name I gave her when we were kids) really came through for me yesterday, remember my post about me being a Bone Head? where I lost my temper and trashed my laptop by throwing it across the room?? yes I was pretty stupid. Anyway a friend of mine loaned me an older net book, it was slow as molasses in January but worked well enough for me to at least get around the interwebz and to be able to blog, So my wonderful baby sister has a friend that works at a home/furniture rental place that usually writes off any damaged goods that get returned, My sisters friend said she had a gateway laptop in perfect working order, but there was a couple small scratches on the screen, My sister told her that I would be interested in it and so it goes, I went and met my sisters friend at her work , told her who I was and that Bon Bon had sent me .
She showed me the laptop, its got a 500 gig hard drive, 6.6 gigs of memory(up gradable/expandable ),a gigahertz or what ever the processor speed is called, and has a Windows 8 o/s . to put it in laymans terms .the Damn thing is Blazing fast! it downloads crap so fast I cant even grab a coffee between downloads, I run it on a Bell Mobility wireless turbo stick , which is also blazing fast , I am impressed! the best part is , I only paid 80 Bucks for it!!! (yes you read that right, I said 80 Bucks!! )it is bought and paid for nothing owing yada yada yada.
It has a thousand programs that I have no clue what they do or are for, so I have been clicking on one here and there just to check it out, 99% Ill probably never use, but eh they are there just the same, the first thing I did was go in and turn off all the apps, I dont like apps or programs that collect info and share with God knows who so I turn em off.
Im no computer geek (or else Id know what each program did), I am just a self taught computer user who tinkers with the control panels until I achieve the desired results. Ive been tinkering since the IBM 286 first came out (way back when a 960 baud dial up modem was considered blazing fast lol ) before the interwebz when all there was to connect with others were BBS boards. .yep weve come a long long way since then! my first computer had a whopping 40 megabit hard drive and around 4 megs of memory . that was a Monster Computer back then, considered one of the best lol
Anyway I have a new laptop, and no I am not gonna get stupid and destroy this one, but with the new laptop comes a couple little annoyances, such as I lost all my pictures, so I will be spending some time off line uploading a couple here and there from my phone and from the camera , some I will just pull off my wifes face book page and should I need a couple of my kidlet, Ill raid his face book too lol.
Anyway thats it for now, I may write about an adventure or two on the rails tonight, we shall see.
Remember folks, express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others
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