easy wood projects
For decades Charities like Unicef and Christian Childrens Funds and a thousand more charities have been shlepping photos of hungry children in foreign countries (usually Africa,Uganda,Somalia etc.)and hey I am all for saving children, as a parent the pictures really do tug at my heart, almost every charity in North America is geared towards feeding, housing, and schools in foreign countries..... BUT!!! wait.... What about the millions of hungry children and families living so far below the "government standard poverty line" right here in our own back yards? ( North America ....USA & Canada) where is all the charities for our own folks? why are they not on tv and in the news print ? why are all the Celebrities quick to jump on the foreign aid band wagon yet turn their backs on their own (North Americans?)
Why in 2 super power countries (USA and Canada) are there millions of children that are going hungry? why are there so many children and families in North America who are homeless? why are there millions of children in North America who are NOT going to have any sort of Christmas? WHY is NO ONE doing anything about this?
Yes we have the Salvation Army and YMCA/YWCA, and Food Banks, they can only do so much with limited resources, how many of you donate to any of these ? be it money, food, clothing,time? ...thought so. Unicef and the big business charities funnel your money to other countries, and how much of that money is actually going where it is needed? yet no one funnels money time and resources into helping the less fortunate on a local level.....why is that?
Just think about that a moment... chances are you DO know someone who is struggling to make ends meet, goes hungry or is nearly homeless, could be a friend, co worker, classmate,neighbor,relative,maybe even YOU! most people in need wont admit it to friends or family.
so what can you do? what DO you do? what will you do?
I understand the children in Africa and other countries need help, but do the math here, millions if not billions of dollars are going out every year to foreign aid from more than just North America, every developed country or most of them send aid to these countries,makes me seriously question just where the HELL is all that money going?? these charities collect more money on a daily basis than any person in North America can make in a year!! so where does the money go? why is Africa still poor? they should be living like kings with all the charity money they get!
yet less than a tenth of the sum total of foreign aid money gets donated towards our local charities, even less to our food banks and even less still to help fight homelessness in North America. think about that.
Think about that as you sit down with your friends and family this Christmas, how many North Americans will NOT be having Christmas.
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