Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

easy wood projects - Living with the “others”

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

So as I have casually mentioned in a few posts now, our house was built in 1910, it’s a one and a half story with a small addition off the rear which houses the mud room, laundry room, washroom, furnace and hot water tank, our house is one of the few remaining original homesteader houses left in our little village. It is somewhat modernized, it has power, plumbing and natural gas, the windows were upgraded back in the 1980?s, a second entrance was added around the same time, and new siding was put on in 2005 to cover the old tar shingle siding, beneath that is just bare planks.

It’s small but big enough for the 3 of us, it’s warm and cozy in the winter (big furnace + small house = warm) and…… it’s Haunted.

yes you read that right, I said our house is Haunted, and no I am not crazy, nor did my cheese finally fall off the cracker!

We share our house with ghosts, we have come to call them the “Others”, now let me be perfectly clear here and state that our haunted house is not nor has ever been (to the best of my knowledge) like those hell houses you see in the horror movies, and our others are not evil or menacing, or bad in anyway shape or form, they do not magically appear on command or when you least expect them, they don’t intentionally scare us and seldom interact with us, sometimes they do but 99% of the time we forget that they are even here, maybe we are just so used to them that we don’t notice as much now.

There are how ever some events that we do notice, and again, let me state nothing like the horror movies, things like the cupboard doors opening on their own, it’s actually pretty cool to watch, and even more fun when we have company and it happens, fun because of our guests , friends and families reactions.

From time to time a door will open or quietly close on it’s own , never once has a door been slammed shut or thrown open, and no they don’t creak like in the movies.

There is one thing though, at 2:30 am every morning for the last 6 or 7 years that we have lived in this house, there is heavy footsteps going up the stairs, sounds like someone wearing work boots, they never seem to go anywhere once they reach the top of the stairs, there is only 2 bedrooms and a small storage room upstairs, I only know it’s 2:30 am because I used to wake up to the sounds of footsteps for the first year and check the house for intruders.

Then there’s the waking up in the morning to the smell of fresh baked bread, I rather enjoy that when it happens, it’s not every morning, but when it happens the whole house smells like fresh baked bread for an hour or so.

I have only had this one happen to me once, it happened about 2 years ago in the middle of winter in the evening (exact time I don’t know, I’d guess 9:30 pm ish ), I was walking home from a visit with my friend Wayne, as I came around the corner of the street I looked at our house lit up with the Christmas lights and I looked at the kitchen window and swore our son was standing there looking out at me, I was about 60 to 70 or so feet from the house, it was night, and there was a blonde boy looking out the window, I recall being a bit miffed that our son wasn’t in bed yet as it was a school night, when I went in the house my wife was sitting on the couch watching tv, I asked her why our boy wasn’t in bed yet and she gave me a funny look, so I told her I just saw him looking out the kitchen window, our son had went to bed at 8:00pm and was sleeping, I know because I went upstairs and checked on him.

Our bedroom is also upstairs, once in a while we would feel a gentle tug on the blankets and once in awhile my wife would feel her hair being touched ever so gently , it didn’t happen often, just once in a while.

None of this ever scared us, and just to be sure nothing but positive energy resides in our home I smudge the house with sweet grass and pray , our house is warm and inviting and everyone who visits feels comfortable as well.

There are 3 “others” that live here for sure, perhaps there is more? but as I said they generally don’t bother us, I am not sure they are even aware that we live here, and I wonder if we are the “others” to them?

So have you had any experiences? do you live in a place that is Haunted as well?

Anyway, that’s all for now, it is late, remember folks , express your love often, never take tomorrow for granted and be kind to others


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