Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

easy wood projects - Love Thy Neighbours

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Last Friday we got home from my wife’s CT Scan that she had to see if the Chemo is doing anything productive (we get the results June 4, on my birthday), anyway, we get home and there is a pile of dirt sitting beside my driveway, at first I thought the village or gas company was digging up my yard for some sort of repair but Nope that was not the case. For the life of me I couldn’t sort out what and why that pile of dirt was doing there.

Saturday roles around and I’m sitting out on the front step having my morning coffee and clearing the fuzz out of my brain when my neighbours start arriving unexpectedly with wheel barrows and shovels and a rather large number of flowers, I ask what is going on ? by this time there are about 10 people in my front yard, They told me that they were here to plant flowers so my wife has something pretty to look at from her bed by the window (my wife’s hospital bed is in the living room next to the bay window as she can no longer climb stairs), my neighbours proceeded to fill the huge flower boxes that I built last summer out of recycled barn wood with fresh clean topsoil, while others tackled the flower beds below the bay window and along the south side of the house.

Wasn’t long before they had the planter boxes and flower beds full of dirt and flowers, and I must admit the yard looks amazing now! then they moved onto our veggie garden, they fired up my tiller, someone brought another and between the 2 tillers had the veggie garden turned over on the inside of 30 minutes (it’s a rather big garden , 30 feet wide by 146 feet long), they then proceeded to plant most of it with potatoes, radishes, beets, onions,sweet potato,and turnips, they left me enough space so I can plant my corn carrots, cucumbers lettuce and tomatoes , this was unexpected and we are very grateful for their help.

My wife just sat on a lounge chair outside in the shade and cried tears of happiness as our neighbours went about digging and planting, I helped them of course as I am able bodied, I kept thanking them repeatedly while in a state of shock, I was informed that there are even more flowers coming today (Monday) and that they would be back to plant them for us, I served everyone coffee and iced tea and thanked them again.

This is small town/village life, when someone is terminally ill they rally and start organizing various ways to help out who ever it is that is ill and their families, I held my composure while everyone was present, but later when I had a few moments to be alone , I stepped behind my work shop and quietly thanked god for having blessed us with such good neighbours, it not only helped my wife, but helped me, it was something that yes I could do myself, however with the stresses of taking care of my wife, taking care of our son “Hammy” , multiple trips weekly to the city for Doctors,etc. just taking care of business, it would have taken me all summer to do what my neighbours did in a few short hours.

Am I grateful? yes Eternally, and I will pay it forward repeatedly as I am a big believer in Karma , and being kind to others costs nothing and feels very good, it also has it’s own rewards, I may have taken a small blow to my pride having my neighbours do what they did for my wife and family , but at the same time I am elated and grateful, my pride will heal and I can help our neighbours in various ways, loaning them my tiller or lawn tractor , helping them plant, do errands for them etc .

Anyway, I am off to finish my morning coffee and spend some time with my wife before we head to yet another doctor appointment, Happy Monday Everyone, remember to express your love often,don’t take tomorrow for granted, and be kind to others , Peace to All.


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