easy wood projects
cartoon3My wife continues to do well, she is feeling good and strong, trying to get her to relax and get plenty of rest and have afternoon naps is akin to herding cats, she will have non of it and wants to help with the house work and has insisted that we at the very least go for daily walks (weather permitting) , her walks usually involve a couple of miles down the grid (gravel) road. As for the house work itself, I have been able to keep on top of it, but let her do the light duty stuff such as dusting (only because I hate dusting) and she makes the meals most often.
The Cancer in her lungs doesnt seem to be bothering her at the moment, I still worry about her being on a two month break from treatment, I worry that the Cancer will act up again and she will become very ill again, especially if I am at work when it happens. But so far so good, she is almost a full month without treatment and is doing well, her hair continues to grow, she used to be a light blonde but now her hair is coming in darker, how much darker exactly we dont rightly know yet and wont be able to say until it grows in a bit more.
Our son Hammy went to the city today for the Punt Pass and Kick regional tournament, he had a blast but Victory eluded him, he came in 4rth , but only the top 3 get to move onto Nationals, he wasnt very bummed about not making it to the nationals, he said he gave it his best and had a lot of fun and thats all that really matters to him.
We are very proud of him as he is turning out to be a fine young man, he is very thoughtful towards others, and has a good work ethic, he babysits full time for a couple hours a day after school and has been going around getting clients for his new snow shovelling business that he is starting up this coming winter, he is saving up for a new home desktop computer and a playstation 4 as well as setting his Christmas money aside.
Our son doesnt get an allowance, he never has, he has always had to work for his money be it house chores or helping me with the yard maintenance business, we taught him early that nothing comes for free, he buys all his own video games and anything else he wants, we just feed and clothe him, the exception being his Birthday and Christmas (Santa goes all out) and yes occasionally we do buy him something such as a game, or bike etc. just because he is a good kid who deserves it and we do love him very much. ( I am bursting with pride when thinking of him )
So I wish I could say my job is the ultimate Butch job, but alas it isnt, the only power tool I get to play with is the shop vac .which I blew up tonight! , yeah imagine my surprise when that happened!! vacuum motor parts launched across the room! big BANG!! I ended up having to run home and grab my own shop vac to clean up the friggin mess the work vac left.
I also get to play with the deep fryer , grill and gas stove oh and a pizza oven !! ( Im trying to make this sound as Butch as I can .and no matter how I word it I fail!) basically my job is Head Cook (hell Im the only cook) and Butch Chamber Maid (picture that) and for the record I wear jeans, tee shirt, runners(sneakers) and my Camo Base Ball/Hunting Cap that says Git-R-Done ( I bought it at a Larry the Cable Guy and Bill Engvall tour show about 3 years ago).
Other than blowing up the shop vac (not my fault) work goes alright, its just part time 3 or 4 days per week , I like the hours its usually from 3pm til 10 , leaves me the mornings to slip into the city with my wife while the kidlet is at school, or to sleep in or do pretty much anything I please.
As I said in the previous post, free beer, free food and a pay cheque what more could a Butch want?
Well thats about all for tonight, so remember folks: express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others.
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