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Look I am LBGTQ born that way and damn proud of it! Ive fought hard for my rights and the rights of others, I have been called every name in the book and had a trillion false accusations leveled against me for being true to myself, I know how deeply words can wound, I know the physical pain and emotional pain the extreme Holier than Thou Bible thumpers can inflict on a person in the name of God,
... However , Phil Robertson is neither a Holier than Thou Bible Thumper who promotes hate, nor is he Racist, He is quite simply a man who loves his God, and has an opinion on Homosexuality. I do believe A&E went overboard when they suspended him from the Duck Dynasty show,
Look, Mily Cyrus can strip naked on a wrecking ball in her music videos, she can twerk and make overtly sexual gestures on prime time television during an awards show, People swear and use all sorts of needless foul language on prime time tv and in the movies, we watch extreme violence on tv and in the movies, CSI shows you how to kill someone and get away with it, we watch porn, Pat Robertson and most of the Republican right wingers speak out against and fight to deny equal rights to the LBGTQ in the USA, the LBGTQ actively speak on the subject of same sex marriage and equality and express their views on tv and in the movies etc, and nobody, not a one gets censored
... Phil Robertson expresses his views on homosexuality and not only does he get censored, he also gets shit canned from a reality show that is centered around his family and their beliefs!! those who think Phil Robertson got what he deserved are all HYPOCRITES! the who friggin lot of them , perhaps you as well!, What happened to the right to free speech that you all hold so dear? freedom of speech doesnt only apply when you like what you hear, it also applies to the things you dont like what you hear! and Thats why I yell HYPOCRITE!! freedom of speech for good or bad is an equal two way street!
Phil Robertson said nothing that offended me personally, I am Queer and I heard what he said on the news , through the internet and pretty much wherever I turn there is someone talking about it, those who found it offensive must surely be thin skinned or just like to bitch and moan and whine when someone speaks against their sexual orientation !
Look people it is his personal beliefs, he was asked a question and he answered honestly, like it or dislike it, agree or disagree he is entitled to speak his truth and his truth is he believes that homosexuality is a sin, why the HELL is everyone condemning him for that? a shit ton of people in Canada and the USA believe homosexuality is a sin as well, just that most are not tv stars, EVERYONE is ENTITLED to their OPINION, EVERYONE is ENTITLED to FREE SPEECH , EVERYONE has the RIGHT to IGNORE opinions and beliefs that differ from their own! and thats a fact jack! Phil may be many things to many people , but a hate mongering homophobe he is NOT!
As for his comments about African Americans.... look maybe he views the world through rose tinted glasses, maybe he does seriously believe that they were genuinely happy happy happy,it is his experience working with them in the fields, perhaps he seriously didnt realize that they were in fact unhappy, perhaps he was blissfully ignorant to the fact that they were afraid to speak their minds or behave in anyway that a white person may take exception too, this all happened before the civil rights movement and equality among ALL people, not one of us know Phil Robertson personally, so who are we to judge and condemn his personal experiences, he was just a kid when he was in those fields, if anything people should sit down with Phil and educate him about what was truly going on in those fields way back in 1950 something!
anyway this whole thing got blown way out of proportion in my opinion, and as a Queer I support Phil Robertson and his family, even if we disagree on some points in life and even if his views on life differ than mine.
Thats it for now, feel free to leave a comment, dont worry you wont be censored, after all you are entitled to your opinion and beliefs.
Merry Christmas
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