Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

easy wood projects - The Results of my wife’s CT Scan

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

So we went to our family Doctor today for the usual refilling my wife’s medications and to get the results of the ct-scan she had Tuesday, it’s both bad and good news.

First the good news, the cancerous tumor in her left lung has shrunk a little bit from her chemo, the bad news is it most likely will not shrink any more. on the flip side at least it hasn’t grown.
As for her right lung, the tumor remains the same, neither growing nor shrinking.

The good news… the artery she had repaired by having a coil inserted, is working fine and the huge bulge is gone.

The bad news… her massive blood clot remains unchanged even on the high dose of Fragmin, the clot is neither breaking up or dissolving as hoped.

For now (the next couple months) there will be no more chemo, she has had 6 rounds and is at the limit, the doctors say her body must rest and recover from the chemo. Where does that leave us? what is the next step? … Those are the million dollar questions and we won’t have the answers to either question until next Wednesday morning when I take her to the Cancer Center to meet with her oncologist, hopefully he has some sort of plan at that time.

It’s the unknowns, the what if’s and the waiting between appointments that are hard on me, and to a degree her as well, though she doesn’t stress and worry as much as I do, for her each day is a blessing and each day she feels good is divine, as long as she feels no pain and can be Mom to our son she is content.

Well that’s all for tonight, I’m off to watch a spectacular lightening show and to listen to the big sharp rolling Boomers.

Remember folks, express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others.


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