easy wood projects
This may sound mundane to you the reader, but these simple things that we all take for granted are a very big accomplishment for my Wife, just 4 short months ago we found out she had stage 4 lung cancer, the prognosis wasnt good, we were told to make final arrangements quickly as she only had 3 to 6 months to live.
We are now on the 4th month, and after 2 rounds of Chemo her health as improved .well okay I am sure her health hasnt improved, its her quality of life that has improved, needless to say we do NOT take tomorrow for granted, we cherish each day, good or bad and pray for just 1 more day together.
Tomorrow she goes back to the Cancer center to be evaluated and booked in, by Friday they will have a bed ready and she will go in for her 3rd and final round of Chemo, after that they want to give her a CT Scan to see what the Chemo has done (if anything) , if it has done what they hope it has, the Doctors will figure out the next step, if that step is more Chemo or surgery we just dont know yet, and we wont know until after that CT Scan.
So now that my Wife has been feeling better and is able to be on her own for a couple hours, I have been playing catch up on my spring chores, such as digging my 1 ton work van out of my sisters yard where I parked it last fall, the ground went soft with the spring melt and hence, the van sank right up to its bumpers! I did get it out after a half day of digging and pulling with the Kubota (tractor), had to jump start the van as the winter killed the battery. After that I came home dusted off my Wifes little red car and put the battery charger on it for a couple hours, battery is charged but the serpentine belt broke, so that is on my to do list, replace the belt.
Life has to go on despite the Cancer, I have been stealing an hour here and an hour there to putter in the flower gardens, I have been planting giant sunflowers (well hopefully they will be giants when they grow) , I have a great fondness for sunflowers, why I do not know, I have a wide variety of seeds to plant yet,
I enjoy gardening, both flower and veggie gardening, as does my Wife, this year its all me doing the seeding and her telling me what goes where exactly, I dont mind, she always has been and always will be The Boss , I am not too prideful or too Butch to admit that my Wife is indeed the Boss, even while sick she runs the house, she manages the budgets and lets me know what bill needs to be paid, she makes out the shopping list and I follow it faithfully, she lets me know when Hammy needs new clothes etc, as I said she is the Boss, she is an organized person who likes lists and budgets, I am more of a just wing it kind of person.
I never once attempted to take any sort of control of the house away from her, even when she is so sick she cant get out of bed, instead I just pick up where she left off and take care of things and when she starts feeling better I hand over the reigns back to her.
anyway, it is late, thank you for letting me ramble (blogging is therapy for me), remember to express your love often, and never take tomorrow for granted. Peace be with you all
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