easy wood projects
Happy Independence Day to everyone in the USA !! God Bless you,may you once again become a world leader and champion of all that is Right and Just.
Canada Day was July 1st, being that we live out in the countryside I purchased and fired off fireworks, of course they werent as good as the professional fireworks in the cities, but hey, they were pretty and there were no major mishaps,fires or unwanted mayhem.
Today was a day of getting back to basics,remembering where we were and where we are now, today was a day to get back to the simple country living that we have come to enjoy for the past 6 odd years or so.
Keep in mind that my Wife is a city gal, born and raised in Calgary Alberta,she has lived in the big city for 32 years of her life,try to picture the culture shock and general shock of leaving a big noisy fast paced city of 1.2 million people and moving to the outskirts of a small village with less than 500 people,where the only noise is cows mooing or coyotes howling! there is a small bar here, always dead except for friday nights when all the rowdy young farm boys come to town to drink gamble and swap stories about who has the biggest baddest truck in these here parts, the village also has a gas station which doubles as the local liquor store,convenience store,and greyhound bus stop ( though the bus rarely stops here), there is also a post office( mail arrives around 10:30am and gets sorted sometime before 4pm (closing time), there is an Anglican church,a hockey rink with a small curling rink attached, and a school that goes from kinder-garden to grade 8 (the kids have to bus it to the city to attend high school) and thats about it.
My wife misses the city life,she misses the transit system,she misses the large crowds and multiple shopping stores and malls,and after 6 years out here in the country she is still blind to all the beauty and freedom and safety that comes with living out here, I know if I ever hit the lottery or sold our property she would demand to move back to the stinking crime ridden big city.
I am hurt, wounded,and now uncertain of my future,our sons future, I am saddened by the fact that we live in an almost paradise and my wife is blind to it and doesnt want to be here at all, yes the winters here in Saskatchewan are brutal, minus 40 degrees and over 6 feet of snow are the normal here in winter, and they are long winters too, 6 months straight, last winter it was 7 months straight! even I get fed up with the winters, but I always stop and think we usually get 6 months of hot summer too so it balances out.
Overall it is like a personal utopia here that Ive spent 6 years building for my wife and son, you wont see deer or moose in your yard in the middle of the city, you dont hear the coyotes sing their lonesome songs,nor hear the bull frogs and crickets, you cant tame down a raccoon in the city and have your morning coffee out on the deck wearing nothing but a tee shirt and boxers without a neighbor bitching, in the city you can only have as many hobbies/toys as your garage or parking space will allow, here in the country we have all kinds of toys, a camper, 3 vehicles, a pair of off road bikes a snowmobile etc, good luck using half that crap in the city never mind trying to park it all, here you can walk for miles and breathe fresh flower scented air, the folks are friendly and actually stop and talk to you, try leaving your car, garage and house unlocked over night or while your out in the city, cant do it or youd be robbed blind, here you can and we often do as do most others in the village.
Here in the country you can sit out and watch the stars and actually see them, all of them, cant do that in the city,the bright lights blind the stars,thunder storms are awesome out here in the country,scary and invigorating at the same time, most of the storms are lost in the cities, hard to watch the lightening show when theres a hundred story skyscraper blocking your view.
here our kid is free to roam where ever he pleases,everyone knows him and if he gets into mischief ,we know about it before he gets home and can deal with it, cant let your kid have that kind of freedom in the city, no shootings stabbings robbery in the country, all that and more in the city.
Im hurt because we have worked hard to get ourselves out here so our son could be free and so we could get away from the crime found in the cities, I dont wish to give what we have up just to have multiple shopping options, we can drive to the city for a day of shopping without having to actually live there.
I am pretty sure I would whither up and eventually die of a broken heart if I had to move back to a city, our son feels the same, yet my wife doesnt seem to care, she wants the city and is not happy here at all, I am caught between a rock and a hard place, and hope that her and I can resolve this, the negativity is killing me.
guess thats all for now
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